Naru-Whoa: The 15 Most Shocking Moments In Naruto

One of the most influential animes ever has absolutely rocked our world during its run. Here are the 15 most shocking Naruto moments ever!

For many fans of Japanese animation and narrative art forms, the words anime and Naruto are virtually interchangeable as its influence has been felt all around the world. With a manga series starting in 1999 and a TV show starting in 2002, Naruto boasts two different comic lines, three different shows, and ten movies. and that is not counting the spin-off manga and show supported the hugely popular series. Over the course of 18 years, Naruto has followed the expansion of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja from the Village Hidden within the Leaves who starts as a mischievous pariah and develops into the village hero and leader.

His never-give-up attitude and dedication to his ninja way have helped him overcome any obstacle and endeared him to readers and viewers.  Overall, Naruto looks like a normal anime hero and Naruto is such a classic manga that it's practically become generic. However, even such an iconic anime is capable of shocking and surprising its audience with well-placed twists. And during this bar-setting series, rife with story progression and character development, the foremost shocking moments also are the foremost memorable and important. therewith in mind, here are the highest 15 most shocking moments Naruto gave its viewers.

Warning: Spoilers for Nautro ahead



For years, Itachi Uchiha was considered one in all the evilest and powerful shinobi in Naruto's world. A member of the mysterious Akatsuki organization, Itachi first appeared in chapter #139 and episode #80 as he invaded the Hidden Leaf together with his partner. Together, they beat down several prominent high-ranking ninjas as they probe for Naruto. Along the way, Itachi bumped into his brother and only surviving family, Sasuke.

Sasuke hoped to meet his vow of vengeance against his genocidal sibling but was stopped when Itachi revealed his greatest power: a high-level version of their clan's kekkei Genkai called the Mangekyo Sharingan. Itachi used his power to temporarily cripple Sasuke and challenged him to achieve his own Mangekyo. The Sharingan was already a robust MacGuffin, so to work out it leveled up was a shocking development. Also, the instantly classic design of the Mangekyo inspired enough fan art to fill a museum.



The series began with the reveal that Naruto was actually the vessel for the demonic Nine-Tailed Fox, later named Kurama. Viewers had seen Naruto harness the Nine-Tails's power and even met the spirit in Naruto's mind, but it had been made clear that Naruto could actually unleash the large fox if he ever lost control.

In this moment during his epic fight with Sasuke within the Valley of the top, Naruto comes so near losing his friend that he dug deep and gave over to the demon inside him. His body changed, giving him sharp nails and pronounced canines. Most notable was the thick layer of red chakra that surrounded him and took on the outline of the fox. It gave him incredible powers never before seen by the audience and made the battle all the more memorable.



In the first part of the Naruto series, the elderly Third Hokage was a lovable grandfather figure who kept the peace within the village and provided wisdom for all who would listen. When the village was attacked by his former student and central antagonist Orochimaru, Lord Hokage showed that he was way more than a frail old man. He placed on an absolute barnstormer of a fight with Orochimaru that involved him going hand-to-hand together with his predecessors, summoning the mythical Monkey King to his aid, and ending the battle with the last word forbidden technique.

A weary Third Hokage uses the Reaper Death Seal to summon the Shinigami, the literal spirit of death, to eat the souls of himself and his enemy. Though he was unsuccessful in ending Orochimaru, the reveal of this incredibly powerful jutsu was completely out of the blue and made the fight all the more amazing.



With his gravelly monotone and tragic backstory, Gaara is one amongst the foremost beloved characters in Naruto. within the first series, it's shown that he shares Naruto's fate as an outsider in his village, but Naruto who was ready to make friends who supported him. Gaara was cursed to run alone and in despair. After losing to Naruto, Gaara begins to show over a brand new leaf, discovering the advantages of friends and family. he's next seen assisting within the mission to retrieve Sasuke, a kinder, gentler soul.

He vanishes for a time until Naruto returns from a three-year training journey at the beginning of the second series, Shippuden when Naruto learns that his old enemy turned friend has become Kazekage, the leader of the Village Hidden within the Sand. The sudden reveal that a sullen child had transformed into a noble warrior was pleasingly shocking for the audience.



Might Guy and Rock Lee were always surprisingly powerful despite their roles as comedic characters, but the disclosing of Might Guy's final form in his fight against series antagonist Madara was truly a sight to behold. Both characters, clearly modeled after the actor, are incapable of using the powerful ninjutsu that provides most of the opposite characters their strengths and instead relies on a mastery of martial arts, immense physical strength, and also the Eight Inner Gates which permit them to extend their power exponentially at the price of bodily harm.

To fight the god-like Madara, Guy unleashes the ability of all eight gates and becomes a raging beast who bombards Madara with a flurry of insane attacks. to determine a person most known for his over-the-top personality make a ninja deity sweat was shocking, to mention the smallest amount.



Danzo was one in all the foremost despicable characters in Naruto. A political warmonger, he used his wiles and power to develop his own cultist military division, start multiple international conflicts, and essentially bullied his way into becoming Hokage. However, when he was attacked on the thanks to a military summit, it absolutely was revealed that a part of Danzo's persuasive powers was thanks to the Sharingan eye he had stolen. Later when he was accosted by Sasuke, he was forced to use more Sharingan's that he'd implanted into his right arm.

These gave him access to numerous powerful techniques, including the mind control power Kotoamatsukami and therefore the reality-warping Izanagi. Given the importance and rarity of the ocular jutsu, to work out one man harness the ability of a half-dozen of them was a whole surprise. Fortunately, Sasuke managed to finish Danzo before he could still abuse his stolen powers.



The central antagonist of the primary series, Orochimaru was the grinning, slimy, snake sage who's unnatural power made him virtually immortal. A key demonstration of his prowess came in his fight with the Third Hokage when he first showed audiences the Reanimation technique which allowed him to summon and control dead souls. during this instance, he resurrected the souls of the previous Hokages, legendary heroes in their title, to battle their successor.

It was shocking and amazing to work out Orochimaru use necromancy, but it had been even more surprised when he did it again within the second series. This time, he used a ritual to force the Shinigami to carve open its own stomach, freeing the souls sealed within by the Third Hokage. Both times were impressive and shocking displays of just why Orochimaru was terrifying.



A large part of Naruto's personality was born of his childhood being lonely without his parents. Though many were able to guess that Naruto's father was the legendary Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikazi, just supported their physical resemblance, nobody could have predicted that the 2 would meet in Naruto's mind. Minato had prudently left his chakra within the seal keeping the Nine-Tails contained in Naruto. When Naruto attempted to interrupt the seal, he was able to meet his father.

Later when he attempted to regulate the Nine-Tails' power, he was able to meet his mother, Kushina, who had also been Kurama's vessel. Both times, viewers were happily surprised to fulfill Naruto's family and see just what he'd inherited from them, namely an immense chakra reserve, his determined personality, and some unique verbal tics.



It seemed impossible for a disgusting character like Orochimaru to be considered an honest guy, but Naruto found away. After his arrogance, greed, and hubris led to his death at the hands of Sasuke, Orochimaru was reborn from one amongst his corrupting Curse Mark Seals. In his new body and consciousness, Orochimaru was more curious than ambitious and even aided Sasuke to find clarity of purpose.

He even followed Sasuke and his team into battle against Obito, saving the lives of the fallen Kages along the way. After the war, he became a legitimate scientist and leader of the Village Hidden within the Sound, solidifying his good alignment. To long-time fans who knew Orochimaru best as a scheming villain, it had been incredibly shocking to look at his transformation into a hero.



Naruto and his team first met Kabuto within the Chunin Exams when the older shinobi helped Naruto complete the second test. He appeared like a simple Leaf ninja, a healer, and strategist who could function as a mentor to the still naive Naruto. Unfortunately, it had been revealed during Orochimaru's attack on the Hidden Leaf that Kabuto wasn't only a spy but the snake sage's helper. The sudden change of loyalty from one who seemed so kind and delicate was only accentuated over the years as more and more of his backstory was revealed.

Turns out his services had openly jumped back and forth between numerous parties over the course of his life, everyone even as unexpected and jarring because the last. It is sensible that such an experienced spy would be able to fool Naruto and therefore the audience, but it doesn't make it any less shocking.



Tobi was one in all the enigmatic characters in Naruto from his initial appearances in chapter #239 and episode #32 of Shippuden. As a masked wisecracker, he seemed drastically out of place within the dark Akatsuki, but his ability to run through objects made him useful. However, it had been slowly revealed that not only was Tobi a legitimate threat to his enemies, but he was actually the mastermind behind the Akatsuki and a co-architect of the war that the whole series culminates in.

Tobi didn't make his identity any less ambiguous when he claimed to be Madara Uchiha, a legendary rogue shinobi. He even had a Sharingan eye to sell the deception. Finally, he was unmasked and revealed to be Obito, Kakashi's former teammate who'd long been assumed dead. a really subtle build-up and few hints on Tobi's true identity made this moment an entire shock for the audience.



Throughout the series, characters would occasionally name-drop the Sage of the Six Paths, the long-dead progenitor of all ninja, and also the chakra that provides them their powers. He's used as a basis for the foremost powerful characters, with the most important threats Madara, Pain, and Obito all assumption to a little of his strength. During the final word battle of the Fourth Great Ninja War, The Sage meets with Naruto and Sasuke inside their own minds in their moment of need.

The sudden appearance of the mythic figure would are shocking enough, but he reveals that Naruto and Sasuke are the karmic reincarnations of his sons, doomed to fight forever. When both of them assure him they'll find some way to form peace, he grants them some of his power, making them a match for the demigod Madara. None of this was expected and completely blew fans' minds.



The aptly-named Pain was one among the foremost serious threats in Naruto. because the apparent leader of the Akatsuki, he was actually a disabled ninja who could remote-control six different bodies, each with immense powers granted by the Rinnegan, the last word doujutsu. In a trial to draw Naruto out of hiding, Pain openly attacked his home, the Village Hidden within the Leaves. Up against a complete army of enemy ninja, each of Pain's bodies proved to be quite a match, killing dozens of prominent characters and heroes.

As if that weren't shocking enough, Pain decides that if he can't find Naruto, he'll simply destroy everything he loves. employing a technique called 'Almighty Push,' Pain hits the village with enough force to completely wipe it off the map. to work out one in all the landmark geographical locations be demolished wasn't only shocking, but it had been also heartbreaking.



The reveal of Kaguya literally came out of nowhere. in a very single moment, specifically chapter #679 and Shippuden episode #458, everything Naruto had been building too was reversed. His ultimate opponent was not a series of vengeful and impressive ninjas of accelerating strength and devotion, it absolutely was now a dimension-hopping alien rabbit demon goddess and therefore the incorporeal manifestation of her dark will. Yes, really.

Though she had been mentioned before by the Sage of the Six Paths, nobody suspected that she not only would make an appearance but would be the true antagonist of the complete series. There was no build-up, no clues or hints, she just appeared suddenly when Madara grew too powerful for his own good. This moment still has fans scratching their heads in surprise.



One of the core parts of Naruto was the Uchiha genocide, an occurrence where Itachi Uchiha murdered his entire clan and family, sparing only his younger brother. this offers Sasuke his drive as an avenger to become stronger the least bit costs. However, when he finally gets his vengeance and kills Itachi, Obito reveals that everything both he and also the audience has been told was a lie.

Turns out the Uchiha were planning a violent coup against the Hidden Leaf and Itachi chose to eliminate them to forestall a war. Learning that his brother was made a pariah which he was murdered under false pretenses, Sasuke turns his anger against the Leaf and vows to destroy it. But the abrupt affirmation that Itachi had been a hero right along was the foremost delightful and welcome surprise Naruto fans received within the entire series.

Did we forget the other shocking Naruto moments? allow us to know within the comments!


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